Artwork by Evy Morelli

Monday, June 11, 2012

Going from Blahhhg to BLOG!

                                   Monarch butterfly--got 'em eating out of my hand? 

It's June, school's out, and we've re-cuped--as in recuperated.  At the risk of sounding like we're full of excuses, the following explains our hiatus from blogging:

1.  Diane recovered from her dental work marathon.
2.  Evy started her own dental work marathon.
3.  Diane's "little job" at the elementary school turned into a BIG job--multiple classes in poetry, reader's theater, journalism, and art.  She also coordinated and taught peer mentoring at both the middle school and the high school. (SUMMER ART CLASSES OFFERED AT Nipomo Recreation Summer Schedule).
4.  Evy has several oriental brush pieces in a local gallery (PAINTINGS ON SALE AT Five Cities Gallery).
5.  Another writing group added to our schedule.  Besides "Long Story Short," a flash critique group run by Diane, we attend "Just Us," a critique group for the children's genre. (JOIN AT SLO-Nightwriters).
6.  And finally, we'd really like to spiffy-up our blog.  You know, make it more interesting.  So ...

Thank you to our many friends and supporters, for hanging in there while our New and Improved Blog undergoes a little makeover.  Stay tuned for more cool stuff than you can shake a stick at, including new artwork and short stories we'd like to share with you.

                                                 Dragonfly--shaking a stick?
Evy and Diane

P. S.  As a little preview, here's Diane's interview with the editor of Leodegraunce (READ AT Leodegraunce Author Interview).

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